Thursday, April 15, 2010

Casidy - Portraits

I love this girl. She and I have been best of friends our entire lives. She is one of the most amazing girls I know. She recently graduated college and I was lucky enough to do some portrait photos of her for her announcements. Congrats, Cas!


Erin said...

I LOVE HER. Doesn't she just kill you though? With the whole oh, I just rolled out of bed and I look like this-ness? She's so great though, and your pics look beatiful.

Em said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! Love them. I like the model one, but where is the praying one? ;)

lucás said...

These look great! I also really like the kids with balloons farther down, I love what's going on on your blog.

Unknown said...

Beautiful (photography and subject)!