Friday, April 24, 2009

Jared and Rebecca

Here they are! It was hard to pick my favorites from this photoshoot as it was such a lovely day. Hence why I posted so many, and still it's a small sampling of the day. What do you think?


Stephen Clark said...

Becky and Jared you look lovely. Congratulations and thank you for a wonderful day - the start of a great adventure together. (Thank you Rebecca for a long days careful work!)

Stephen Clark (Becky's Dad)

Clancy and Katie Black said...

Becca! These look amazing, I love the picture of her dress hanging up!

Unknown said...

These are awesome, Bec! I guess it always helps when the couple is superattractive, but you're photography skills have already improved so much!

James said...

(This is from Emily.) I love the one with the veil blowing just perfectly in front of them, and also the one where he's sitting and she's standing at his shoulder. That one just looks so old-fashioned in that way, juxtaposed by the modern look of the couple. Pretty original. Keep up the good work, Bec!

Liz Robertson said...

those are great photos becca! keep up the good work.